Princes Park clean up on 19 August
We had a successful work party – the beds were weeded, composted and mulched; low branches were trimmed; trees were weeded at the base and mulched to stop ring barking by Council weed eaters.
Our special thanks to:
Emile for the bakkie load of compost and mulch! This will be a life-saver for the plants in the coming summer.
Sean for providing a most welcome and delicious breakfast fry-up – you made our day!
This young champ was helping pick up rubbish in the park – thank you mom for teaching him well!
On an ongoing basis we’d appreciate donations towards compost, mulch and extra labour at work parties.
On an ongoing basis we’d appreciate donations towards compost, mulch and extra labour at work parties.
Al’s monthly contribution towards weekly labour is invaluable for the upkeep and maintenance of our four Village parks and street kerbs.
R25 per month Donations
We have 13 people contributing R25 a month, but as you can imagine we need to raise much more than that to run our projects – so please consider setting up a debit order each month or you can donate via SnapScan:
Loubie Rusch
HVA has sponsored Loubie Rusch to assist FOHP in converting the Hampstead Park vegetable garden into an edible, indigenous, food garden which will be completely water-wise.
See the full article with photos here:
Jungle Gym in Purley Park
A big thank you to Cllr Cottle who has given a wonderful, big, new jungle gym to Purley Park from her Ward allocation fund.
Fence in Purley Park
Cllr Cottle has asked Parks to repair the broken section of the fence in the park.
We need the services of a landscaper to draw up a proposed a walkway meandering around the park along the fence.
Purley Park Poo Bin to be moved
Cllr Cottle requested Parks to relocate the doggy poo bin to a more suitable spot away from the children’s play area.
Notice board in Hampstead Park
Robin Williams has been given the go-ahead to fix the notice board.
Benches in Surrey Park
Benches to be repainted at the next work party in Surrey.
The test without dustbins on the street is ongoing. It’s working well in some areas but not in others.
Dustbins in the parks are taking extra strain.
Broken Picnic Tables
Cllr Cottle has asked Parks to obtain quotes for plastic wooden picnic benches to replace the rotten and damaged picnic tables in Hampstead, Princes and Surrey Parks.
Ball Play in Parks
Gail carried out a poll on the HVA Facebook page – 82 residents voted in favour of allowing ball play in parks – no one voted against. One comment about ball play was made.
Cllr Cottle said they’d take up the matter and get back to the FOHP – wording needs to be considered to ensure no organised team practices take place in the parks.
Weekly Garden Program
Once a week Francine supervises John and Morton who clean and maintain the Village parks, street kerbs and along the fence on the railway line. It’s a never-ending job and the area is too big for just two people – wouldn’t it be great if we could sponsor two more gardeners?
Water Restrictions
Level 5 water restrictions mean that no new beds may be created in public spaces.
We’re raising funds for water tanks to be housed in properties along the parks’ perimeter (they cannot be on Council land) to help plants survive the increasingly difficult summers.
Froggi Stream
The frogs are alive and hopefully breeding but not nearly as vocal as in previous winters. There must have been a massive loss due to poor winter rainfall combined with the clearing of the canal at Harfield Station.
The frogs are alive and hopefully breeding but not nearly as vocal as in previous winters. There must have been a massive loss due to poor winter rainfall combined with the clearing of the canal at Harfield Station.
We need a volunteer to oversee the clearing and rehabilitation of this area.
FOHP will fund-raise to pay for labour.
Surrey Park Work Party14 October from 9am
Purley Park Work Party 18 November from 10am
Railway Line Cleanup First Sunday in May 2018
Friends of Harfield Parks
Surrey Park Work Party14 October from 9am
Purley Park Work Party 18 November from 10am
Railway Line Cleanup First Sunday in May 2018
Friends of Harfield Parks