Nausea and vomiting dog

This month we are going to talk about some of the causes of vomiting in your dog and when you need to take action and get help.

It is not unusual for a dog to vomit every now and again. He may have eaten something revolting he found in the garden or just have finished his food too quickly. However, vomiting can also be an indication of a more serious condition that requires veterinary attention. If your dog vomits more than a couple of times in one day, seems lethargic and disinterested in food, you should seek veterinary attention.

There are numerous reasons why your dog may suddenly start to vomit. Vomiting can be related to gastrointestinal and systemic disorders such as:

·       bacterial infection of the gastrointestinal tract
·       food intolerance, diet change
·       ingestion of a foreign object eg: bones, toys, stones or toxic substances
·       intestinal parasites
·       acute liver failure
·       pancreatitis
·       colitis
·       viral infections eg; parvovirus
·       heatstroke
·       diabetes

The list of causes is almost endless but you can help your vet make a differential diagnosis by giving as much information as you can.
How often is your dog vomiting ? Is it before or after food?
Is your dog still eating?
Does your dog also have diarrhoea or is he constipated?
What does the stool look like?
Have you seen blood in the vomit or diarrhoea?
Is your dog still active or lethargic
Is your dog drinking more/less?
Has he lost weight?

Once your vet has got a good medical history from you, he will do a thorough examination of your pet. It may be necessary to collect blood, urine and/or faecal samples in order to run diagnostic tests.
Your vet may also want to take x rays or do ultrasound to rule out foreign bodies etc. In this way your vet will be able to make the most informed diagnosis possible.

Treatment will depend very much on the vet’s findings and the severity of the vomiting. Simple cases should respond quickly, a course of antibiotics, diet change and drugs to help control the vomiting may be all that is required to put your pet back on the road to health. However, in serious cases eg; those complicated by an underlying systemic disease, may require hospitalisation. Vomiting dogs, particularly the very young and very old, can become dehydrated quickly, putting extra pressure on vital organs. Fluid therapy via an intra venous drip may be needed in order to rehydrate him.
In conclusion, if your dog is vomiting don’t ignore it and if you are concerned your vet is there to help.