While it's been a cooler Summer than in previous years, if you're growing veg, make sure to water them sparingly and only in the evening or early morning so you don't burn their leaves. Use lots of mulch to aid water retention - there should be no soil exposed to the sun, and a thick layer of mulch makes all the difference. 

If you are tending to veggies, you should be using water already used once – from the shower, sink or washing machine (if you use biodegradable products). It's amazing how much water you can recycle if you get the right sized basins! 

While water shortages aren't as dire as they have been in previous years, as resilient Cape Tonians, we need to maintain water-wise behaviours. It's remarkable how our relationship with water has irreversibly changed, and may we continue to find creative ways to be more resource-efficient beyond water, and to see waste itself as a resource. There's no better place to learn that lesson than in the garden.

On that fertile note, here's the plant list for February:
Bush and climber beans, Beetroot, Broccoli, Brussel sprouts, Cabbage, Calendula, Carrot, Chard/Spinach, Celery, Chinese cabbage, Chives, Chilli's, Kale, Kohlrabi, Globe artichokes, Leeks, Leaf mustard, Lettuce, Onion, Parsnip, Parsley, Potato, Radish, Rhubarb, Tomato

Happy growing!

Patchwork Group
Gabriella Garnett
076 2199 849 | gabriella.garnett@gmail.com